Yoga is a means of preventative medicine. It is more than 3000 years old and it is still with us today because it does provide us a path to better health and greater peace of mind.

As more and more scientific research on the physical effects of yoga are being conducted, it looks better and better.

People of all ages are taking it up to relieve or assist numerous issues.

Yogis have taught for thousands of years that the materialistic life is not the true road to happiness or inner peace.

That if we are not happy with our current situation, we need to make changes to our lives either big or small to find that inner peace and happiness. I had to do this in January 2016, after my marriage ended after 29 years.

I had been protected and held close for so long that I had lost me. I felt shut down on so many levels. It has been scary, it hasn’t always been easy.  But the past 3 years have been about reinventing me and about my  growth. I intend to share that journey here, because 3 years ago, I felt lost, naive and vulnerable.

It would have been nice to have had a map to follow, but each of us are on our special  journey and there are many paths one can follow to find peace and happiness (our Dharma).  Yoga can help us expand our consciousness and unveil the purpose for our life here on earth.

Namaste. (The light in me, honours the light in you.)

Kim Stansfield doing yoga next to a lake on a golf course

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